Sunbury Home Educators Sunbury Home Educators Sunbury Home Educators Sunbury Home Educators Sunbury Home Educators Sunbury Home Educators

SHE New Member Questionnaire

indicates a required answer

1. *


2. *

Email Address

3. *

Phone Number

4. *

Please list your children and their ages. 

5. *

Describe your family briefly (activities, interests, etc.).

6. *

What most interests you about SHE? How do you anticipate being a member of SHE will help your homeschool journey?

7. *

What talents and skills are you able to offer the group (organizing field trips, love helping in nursery, etc.)?

8. *

When eligible to teach a class, what areas would you be interested in and able to teach? (Teaching is not a requirement for SHE membership).

9. *

SHE requires parents to remain on campus when their students take classes. Are there any other obligations that might impede your ability to make this commitment (other students' school schedule, sport practice, work, etc.)? How do you plan to handle this?

10. *

How did you hear about SHE?

11. *

Do you know any current SHE members? If yes, who?

12. *

Have you participated in a co-op in the past? If so, which one?