Parent Responsibilities
Mandatory Meetings
Just prior to the start of Activity Day we hold a mandatory meeting to review parent responsibilities, AD policies, and answer any questions that participants might have. There is also a teacher meeting during which we review teacher responsibilities, class policies, and provide website training.
Parent Positions
Parents are assigned specific weekly responsibilities to fulfill during Activity Day. These include helping in a classroom or the nursery, serving as a hall/café monitor, and setting up chairs in the gym. The number of hours each parent must fill one of these positions is based on how many classes are offered, the number of participating families, how many hours the family has kids in class, and whether or not the parent is teaching. You will have the opportunity to indicate any particular parent positions that you prefer and those that are not suitable for you. We do our best to place you in positions that fit your needs and family situation. The Family Schedule, which lists all assigned parent positions, will be posted to the website at least one week before classes begin.
Finding a Sub/Subbing
Because every position is vital to the operation of Activity Day, committing to attend and fulfill your responsibilities for the full 24-week session is critical. If you are unable to fill your positions on any given week, please be conscientious and find other parents to sub for you. A list of parents available to sub each hour is included in the Family Schedule. Once you have secured subs for all of your positions, please let the Position Coordinator know what arrangements you have made. We understand that unexpected, last-minute absences are sometimes unavoidable. If this should happen, contact the Position Coordinator as soon as possible so that she can help you find subs to cover your positions. When you are asked to sub, please be willing to serve with a spirit of unity and cooperation. It takes all of us working together to make sure that Activity Day runs smoothly.
Parents are assigned a rotation on the cleaning schedule, which is posted on the website. All families are required to help clean the building after Activity Day for a certain number of weeks. The number of weeks assigned is based on the number of participating families. Cleaning usually takes less than an hour per week. If you are unable to clean on a week that has been assigned to you, please make arrangements with another family to fill in for you. Families are often willing to trade weeks or you may offer to compensate them in some other way. Please let the Building Liaison know of any trades or substitutions.
Good Standing
Members maintain their good standing by following the Member Handbook. This includes participating willingly in all parent positions and completing a cleaning rotation. Members that do not fulfill their parent responsibilities are in jeopardy of losing their priority registration status or participation eligibility for subsequent years.