Emergency Procedures
Fire Procedures
The Safety Coordinator has instituted the following procedures in case of a fire in the building.
If a fire were to occur in the building, everyone should assemble in the northwest parking lot. Students are to stay with their teachers and everyone that is in the café should stay together. Do not try to collect the members of your family.
The Safety Coordinator and hall monitors will check the hallways and bathrooms for anyone who is not in their class or the café at the time of the fire.
Once in the parking lot, teachers will check their attendance sheets, and the café monitors will check the café roster. The Safety Coordinator will come around to make sure everyone is accounted for.
The Safety Coordinator will let teachers and café monitors know when it is safe to release everyone.
Tornado Procedures
The Safety Coordinator has instituted the following procedures in case of a tornado.
If a tornado siren sounds, everyone is to assemble in the back hallway. Students are to stay with their teachers and everyone that is in the café should stay together. Do not try to collect the members of your family.
The Safety Coordinator and hall monitors will check the hallways and bathrooms for anyone who is not in their class or the café at the time of the tornado siren.
Once in the back hallway, teachers will check their attendance sheets, and the café monitors will check the café roster. The Safety Coordinator will come around to make sure everyone is accounted for.
Everyone should sit down on their knees facing the wall and cover their heads with their hands.
The Safety Coordinator will let teachers and café monitors know when it is safe to release everyone.
Intruder Response
The Safety Coordinator has instituted the following procedures in case of an intruder.
If there is an intruder in the building, all parents will be alerted by text as soon as possible.
The teacher and helper in each classroom should block the door with a heavy piece of furniture.
Everyone in a classroom should then exit through the windows. People in the café should exit through the front doors.
We will assemble in the field north of the building. Students are to stay with their teachers and everyone that is in the café should stay together. Do not try to collect the members of your family.
Teachers will then check their attendance sheets, and the café monitors will check the café roster. The Safety Coordinator will come around to make sure everyone is accounted for.
The Safety Coordinator will let teachers and café monitors know when it is safe to release everyone.
Missing Person Procedures
The Safety Coordinator has instituted the following procedures in case of a missing person.
If there is a missing person, all parents will be alerted by text as soon as possible.
Everyone will be asked to stay in their classrooms or the café while the Safety Coordinator checks the building.
Teachers and café monitors should not allow anyone to leave to use the bathroom or for any other reason during this time.
The Safety Coordinator will let teachers and café monitors know when it is safe to return to normal operations.