Building Guidelines
Nursery Use
The nursery is staffed during class times and designated for children of teachers and helpers only during the hour(s) that they are teaching or helping. As space allows, moms who are not teaching or helping are also welcome to take their little ones into the nursery, but must stay in the nursery to supervise their children. Children five and under are permitted. Each child left in the nursery must be signed in and out by the parent. Nursery helpers cannot be responsible for feeding lunches, so please make sure you set aside a lunchtime for your children. If you have a young child that you would prefer to keep with you while helping in a classroom instead of using the nursery, please ask the teacher’s permission to do this before classes begin.
Café Use
During free hours, most parents and students should be in the café. If you have a child that is too old for the nursery, but too young to be alone in the café, please arrange for another parent to be responsible for them when they are in the café while you are teaching or helping. Older students enjoy more freedom, but it is still the parent's responsibility to know where they are at all times during AD. Older students do not need direct adult supervision unless it is determined that they are unable to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. However, we encourage you to find an adult that can be available for them in case of an emergency.
Please respect the church staff by keeping noise to a minimum in the café; use quiet conversation and activities. And do not stand in front of the church offices to chat.
There is a microwave available for our use in the café. We may also use the pop and candy machines in the hallway, providing that all food and drink that is purchased is carried to the café before it is opened. No food or drink (other than water) is allowed outside the café. Please do not use any of the church’s kitchen equipment or supplies. Remember to bring whatever you need from home.
Please clean up after yourself.
Brooms and dustpans are located in the café. Please use them at your table if needed.
Bottles and cans need to be emptied before putting them into any garbage containers.
When you are finished using a table in the café, please return your personal belongings, lunch bags, etc. to the storage areas.
Please do not allow children to run on or climb on the fireplace or jump on the furniture. Tables and chairs may be moved carefully. Please return them to their original spots when you are finished using them.
Playground Use
We are welcome to use the playground and shelter house behind the church as well as the porch on the east side of the building. All adults, teens, and children using these outdoor areas should sign out using the playground sign-out sheet. This helps us to know where everyone is in case of an emergency. Older students may go outside without an adult as long as they have their parent’s permission and stay with a buddy. Younger children must be with an adult.
Please do not use the porch on the west side of the building to avoid the church offices. Also, do not allow children to play in the mulch or any landscaped areas outside.
Building Use
We share the building with not only the church staff, but also the Life Builders’ group. Please respect the church staff by staying out of the office and being quiet near the areas where they work. This includes those offices which are located in the hallway across from the nursery and room 3. Please do not stand in these doorways to chat. All communication with the church is to be done through the Building Liaison. If you have a concern about the building, please contact her. The bathrooms across from rooms 8 and 9 are reserved for Life Builders’ use only. We may use the bathrooms near the café, the family bathroom near the entrance to the children’s wing, and the children’s bathroom between rooms 3 and 4.
Children should not be in any classroom (including the gym and kitchen) unless they are there for a class that they are registered for. They should also not be in any classes for which they are not registered. Children are not allowed to play in empty classrooms. This applies to the end of the day as well as during the day because classrooms are cleaned and the toys disinfected in the manner the church has requested after the last class of the day.
Wi-Fi is available. The password is posted in the café.